Category: Trinity

The Unbreakable Threefold Cord: A Defense of the Trinity (Part 4)

If you remember earlier in this series, we saw many statements God (Yahweh) made about Himself, especially in the book of Isaiah. He alone is the True God. He alone has the power to declare future events. This part will focus especially on the last qualification that Yahweh made about Himself: as the One True God, He alone is worthy of worship! We will compare Yahweh’s statements about Himself regarding worship with statements about Jesus to see if He measures up to being the One True God, sharing the same being of Yahweh with the Father.

The Unbreakable Threefold Cord: A Defense of the Trinity (Part 3)

In Part 2 of this series, we observed that there are only two categories of the title god in the Bible. There is the category of true God (consisting of Yahweh alone) and false god consisting of everything else. One could be made “like God” or “as a god” to someone else if he is the representative of the true God, but this does not make him a true god by Yahweh’s definition of the term. A true god is worthy of worship, can proclaim the future, and created the universe.

The Unbreakable Threefold Cord: A Defense of the Trinity (Part 2)

In Part 1, we determined a working definition of the Trinity: God is one Being, three Persons. We carefully observed the difference in meaning between being and person, and how understanding these categories can annul the confusion that arises both among those who casually affirm the Trinity and those who deny it. Now, we will examine the challenges that Les Burch poses in his book It Isn’t The Way We Think It Is, chapter 5 “The Trinity–Help or Hindrance?”

The Unbreakable Threefold Cord: A Defense of the Trinity (Part 1)

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. –Ecclesiastes 4:12 The Trinity is a doctrinal understanding of the essence of God that has a long history of both ardent defense and constant attack. It is an official dogma of the Roman Catholic Church, and many Protestant denominations confess belief in it as well. Many creeds, confessions, and statements of faith have expressed it in different words ranging from a short sentence to paragraphs and pages. In recent years, many that confess the name of Christ are beginning to question the doctrine of the Trinity, and the numbers of those in other religions that reject this doctrine–such as Islam and Judaism–are growing.