Month: September 2020

Critical Race Theory or Christ – A Discussion with Jamal Bandy part 2

This is part 2 of an interview with Jamal Bandy, host of the Prescribed Truth podcast.Jamal explains what “social justice” and “critical theory” are as elements of Marxist philosophy. The word “race” has been added to make “critical race theory” an issue of U.S. history.Jamal gives some heartfelt and keen insights into misunderstood realities of both the present and the past that are often fuel for ethnic politics.Jamal Bandy:Prescribed TruthPrescribed Truth podcastPrescribed Truth YouTube*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****

From Oneness Cult to Truth – A Discussion with Jamal Bandy part 1

This is part 1 of an interview with Jamal Bandy, host of the Prescribed Truth podcast.Jamal tells his story of how he was involved in an Apostolic Oneness church and how unexpected events led him to question what he was taught.Jamal learns the truth about God as Trinity and that the Oneness teaching is wrong. He also learns that works don’t save him and don’t keep him saved, because the Father and the Son secure him.Jamal Bandy:Prescribed TruthPrescribed Truth podcastPrescribed Truth YouTube*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****

Nine Problems with Democracy

This episode continues from the topic of the last one by discussing actual problems with democracy.We answer the following questions:What are the problems of democracy?It is not based on absolute, unchanging truth.Eligibility to vote is not certain.A simple majority is not really “the will of the people.” 51% can plunder the 49%.It encourages factions to develop.Defensive voting is a constant headache.Special interests can trick voters with confusing ballot initiatives.A nation is not homogeneous to unite “one people.” Factors of regional differences can cause certain interests to overpower other interests.Election campaigns become increasingly expensive.It tends toward socialism.Where does democracy actually work?In free market contexts.Is there anything better than either democracy or centralized power?How about a simple, small government that protects individual

Is Democracy Good and Biblical?

There is a lot of hoopla about the state of democracy in the United States and around the world. Many citizens value the ideals of democracy as sacred and best.Christians should be willing to examine democracy itself and ask some important questions. We ask and answer the following questions:What is democracy? We define the term and compare it to other types of government.Why is democracy appealing? We look at five reasons: (a) power is decentralized, (b) each voter is supposed to be politically equal, (c) laws require majority approval, (d) citizens are encouraged to know and participate in their own politics, and (e) change can happen without a violent revolutionIs Democracy Biblical?Scriptures Referenced:Judges 21:25Proverbs 14:12Micah 2:2Exodus 20:13-17Sources Cited:Austin Sarat, “Where