Category: Podcast

The Depth of John 3:16

On my morning drive to work for this episode of Truthspresso Express I chat about John 3:16. Using points from an unpublished article I had written years ago I walk through the context of Nicodemus and words from the first half of the verse:ForGodso lovedgaveonly begotten SonEach of these words help us plumb the depths of the verse to see how great God is and who Jesus must be. Yes, we see why a mere creature can’t satisfy this verse!

The Vax Vex Vortex

Welcome to Truthspresso Express! This is where I record an episode on my commute to or from work.More commentary and jab jabs for the week! I talk about two different articles that unintentionally clash with each other. That kind of stormy weather can create a vax vex vortex!First, NBA coaches fear that a few players refusing the jab are a health risk. A trainer complained that he could spread the virus from a player to his vulnerable family. His statement, of course, raises the same questions that many are asking about why such a medical procedure is necessary for everyone if it doesn’t definitely work for anyone.Second, some antiviral drugs are in the works as treatments for the virus. They

Does Romans 13 Allow Tyranny?

My wife Chelsea and I discuss Romans chapter 13 and what we believe it really means. Have many Christians misunderstood verses 1-7? Did the Apostle Paul really teach that God’s moral law can sanction tyranny from pagan rulers?We ask and answer these questions about Romans chapter 13:What are the “higher powers”?What is the “good” and “evil”?What about Paul’s own ministry of being an outlaw?What is the function of government being addressed? (vengeance and the second table of the law)Scriptures Cited:Romans 13:1-7Matthew 20:25-272 Corinthians 11:23,32-331 Peter 2:13-14Romans 12:19Romans 13:9

Facebook Unitarians Misunderstand the Trinity

Welcome to Truthspresso Express! This is where I record an episode on my commute to or from work.I tried to explain the Trinity to some Unitarians on Facebook. As I said that God is one “being” who is three “persons” and distinguished between the “what-ness” and “who-ness” of God, the Unitarians made fun of my terminology.They claimed I was objectifying God or using “new age” language. But there is nothing unusual or new about what I was saying.This episode clears up their misunderstanding of the doctrine of the Trinity.I also made reference to the following debate: Deity of Messiah Debate.

Third Jab’s a Charm – Maybe

Welcome to Truthspresso Express! This is where I record an episode on my commute to or from work.I recorded this episode on Monday, September 20th. I “celebrate” the official first release day of “booster shots” by recalling two articles I read the night before.The first article was about how recent studies are showing that the effectiveness of certain COVID vaccines are waning. Moderna seems to be a little better than Pfizer. The most recent study shows Pfizer as low as 42% effective against the current Delta variant. The article highly recommended “booster shots” but ultimately concluded that future effectiveness still depends on how any individual immune system wants to handle injections or infections.The second article sugar coated the FDA’s overwhelming

REWIND: Why God Exists – Interview with Christian apologist and former atheist Tyler Vela

As my wife and I are on a vacation with family visiting from out of state, this episode will be a rewind of episode 19.I interview Tyler Vela about the age-old topic: Does God exist?Tyler was raised an atheist until his atheist professor in a Metaphysics class in college discussed arguments for the existence of God. The challenge of the “moral argument” caused Tyler to investigate and eventually convert to Christianity.In this interview, we raise and answer various philosophical and presuppositional arguments about the existence of God.We also consider the issue of miracles and animals that talked in the Bible.We also examine the arguments about God’s existence from the claims of the Bible itself and how to define a “fool.”Tyler

How Philippians 2:3-7 Teaches That Jesus Is Fully God and Man

Welcome to Truthspresso Express! This is where I record an episode on my commute to or from work.In this episode of Truthspresso Express I talk about my recent exchange with an Arian on Facebook over Philippians 2:6-7. I walk through the verbs in verses 6-7 and the context of humility in verses 3-5 to show that Jesus must be fully God and fully man.I argue these two major points:Jesus is fully God with the Father, not simply an angelic creature.Jesus took on a human nature without losing His divine nature.

Not Enough Bad News? Make Stuff Up!

Welcome to Truthspresso Express! This is where I record an episode on my commute to or from work.In this episode of Truthspresso Express I discuss two articles claiming hospital pandemonium that turned out to be fabricated:A children’s hospital “hits capacity” from our favorite virus.A hospital can’t admit gunshot victims because it’s loaded with patients suffering from too much “horse dewormer.”Bad News sells–both money and fear. Are these false reports just harmless tricks or honest mistakes? What are the effects of claiming these kinds of false narratives?Sources Consulted:Katie Moore, “Children’s Mercy in Kansas City hits capacity as COVID cases continue rising in metro,” Kansas City Star, July 27, 2021.“Kentucky Hospital Says The Media Is LYING About Hospitals Being ‘Overwhelmed’ With Kids

What is the “Milk” and “Meat” of the Word?

My wife Chelsea and I address our first listener question:What does the Bible mean by the “milk” and “meat” of the Word?Three key passages mention “milk” and two of them compare it to “meat”:1 Peter 2:2-31 Corinthians 3:2Hebrews 5:12-14The listener heard these passages explained as Sunday School stories for “milk” and understanding different Greek words as “meat.”After reading these passages in their full context we think they’re really talking about maturity of conduct and avoiding unnecessary divisions. Christians who can eat “strong meat” are those who can determine right from wrong and solve problems of conflict in light of the basic principles of God’s Word.We also bring a little politics into our understanding of these passages. Mature Christians shouldn’t fall