Author: Daniel Mynyk

Daniel holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Pensacola Christian College and an M.I.S. from University of Phoenix. He is passionate about defending and promoting historic, orthodox Christianity that has lost its foothold in evangelical churches.

Federal Court Jestering: The Hunter Biden Game Show – Plea Deal or No Deal? (part 1)

Chelsea and I look at some highlight’s of Hunter Biden’s sordid past that led to the U.S. District Federal case United States v. Biden.Wednesday, July 26, Hunter Biden was scheduled to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of tax evasion and a federal charge of illegal firearm possession. Critics called this a “sweetheart” plea deal. The hearing didn’t go the way most of the world expected.This episode is part 1 of covering this plea deal and the hearing. In this episode we look at events from 2014 to 2023 to see why this hearing happened. Part 2 will cover the antics from the day before and why they may have sabotaged the master plan for the plea deal at the

Was Jesus a Socialist? (part 8)

In this episode of Truthspresso Express I chat about Jesus and socialism while driving to work.A coworker recently made the claim to me that Jesus was a socialist. I have certainly heard this claim before, but I figured I would address it.In part 8 I look at the claim that Jesus taught “universal healthcare” by a few verses saying that He “healed everyone” in the gospels.I ask and answer three questions about the claim that Jesus “healed everyone” and taught His followers to do likewise:Was Jesus’ healing ministry a model for all Christians?Did Jesus heal “everyone” He saw?Was Jesus’ healing a ministry unto itself, or was a means toward repentance?We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso?Contact us!

Federal Court Jestering: Free Speech Is Inconvenient Truth!

Chelsea and I look at the recent federal court case that is arguably the greatest battle over the First Amendment in United States history!In Missouri v. Biden, several silenced individuals join the states of Missouri and Louisiana to accuse a slate of individuals and administrative agencies of the federal government of aggressive censorship. From pandemic policies to Hunter Biden’s laptop, the evidence is strong that the fourth branch of government cajoled social media companies to control narratives and restrict the flow of truth.On July 4, 2023, judge Terry Doughty issued a preliminary injunction against the defendants to stop suppressing speech. The government requested a stay, and Judge Doughty denied it.As expected, the government sought and received a temporary stay at

Supreme Court Jestering: Forced Design Ain’t Fine!

Chelsea and I look at the recent Supreme Court ruling on a case weighing the First Amendment’s “free speech” clause against state “anti-discrimination” laws.In 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, Christian web designer Lorie Smith wanted to expand her skills into the wedding business. Because she believes the Bible defines marriage as between one man and one woman, she sought a preemptive injunction in her state of Colorado to protect her freedom of speech. She did not want to be forced to design websites celebrating other proposed types of “weddings.”The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 (as expected) that the First Amendment protects Ms. Smith from having to express her design skills and create messages that violate her beliefs.Chelsea and I examine the

Was Jesus a Socialist? (part 7)

In this episode of Truthspresso Express I chat about Jesus and socialism while driving to work.A coworker recently made the claim to me that Jesus was a socialist. I have certainly heard this claim before, but I figured I would address it.In part 7 I look at the three parables in Luke chapter 15 about “lost things”:The lost sheepThe lost coinThe lost son (the prodigal son)These parables clearly teach property ownership and how this naturally (or should) lead to valuing and stewarding this property.The prodigal son especially includes anti-socialistic details:The father owned property.The father basically owned a business and hired employees.There was property inheritance for families, and there is no socialistic inheritance tax.The younger son became poor by not stewarding

Supreme Court Jestering: College Loans Don’t Make HEROES!

Chelsea and I look at the recent Supreme Court ruling on two related cases about “student loan forgiveness.”In one case, students believed they were entitled to an unconstitutional handout for which they didn’t qualify.In the other case, the U.S. President believed he was entitled to make promises for the unconstitutional program itself.The conservative majority argued that the HEROES Act of 2003 as originally intended and its “waive or modify” clause didn’t allow the Secretary of Education to “rewrite” the law for a different situation and purpose. The liberal minority basically argued that the law grants “broad” and “general” powers for an “emergency” and “unforeseen events” (of course).Chelsea and I explain four moral hazards that “student loan forgiveness” schemes introduce. We

Supreme Court Jestering: The Infirmity of Affirmative Action

Chelsea and I look at the ruling in the recent Supreme Court ruling on two related cases about affirmative action in college admissions.Before addressing the quarreling between the justices over how to apply the Fourteenth Amendment to college admissions, I give my own opinion that the First Amendment’s “freedom of association” should legally allow universities to determine their own admission policies (good or bad) because, like anything else in a free market, there should be no government control or funding. I give examples for how the Fourteenth Amendment could be abused to harm Christian college admission policies.But, given the system we have, we believe the conservative majority interpreted and applied the spirit of the Fourteenth Amendment correctly and historically.The conservative

Daniel and Chelsea at the Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference: Interviews with Jason Lisle, Ruth Chou Simons, Norm Wakefield, Bill Jack, and more!

Chelsea and I had an exhibit for Castle Rock Women’s Health at the annual Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference presented by Christian Home Educators of Colorado.The keynote speakers were Jeff Myers, Ruth Chou Simons, and Paul Washer.We talk about our experience there as we shared the truth of God’s design for life in the womb with adults and children.On the last day of the conference I brought my portable podcasting gear and enjoyed a great montage of interviews!Listen to the interview reel where I talk with some well-known speakers and a few exhibitors:Trevin Houk from AbekaMary Ann Winslow of Cool Creation PressPatrick Bailey of iQless 3d printingRuth Chou Simons of GracelacedDr. Jason Lisle of the Biblical Science InstituteNorm Wakefield of Spirit

Don’t Long for the “Good Old Days”!

In this episode of Truthspresso Express I challenge and encourage us with Ecclesiastes 7:10 not to long for the so-called “Good Old Days.”We can deceive ourselves about the past as the Israelites did about their bondage to Egypt. We should treat every day as a blessing from God and boldly face today’s battles.Today is the best day to be a Christian!***Castle Rock Women’s Healthis a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please considera monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso?Contact us!

Revival: The Second Great Awakening (part 1)

Chelsea and I continue our series about the Christian revivals in American history.We begin the Second Great Awakening with an overview of the times, especially from 1830-1840. Following the War for Independence the colonies now had a federal compact. The expansion westward inspired more evangelism to native Americans. Methodism grew as circuit riders preached to crowds at outdoor “camp meetings.”The two social causes propelling revival “fires” were abolition of slavery and temperance from alcohol. Women were more involved in revival activities and organized some women’s groups around these two issues.Immigrants from Europe brought more rationalism from the Enlightenment. Wheras the majority of First Great Awakening revivalists held to a Reformed theology, most of the Second Great Awakening revivalists did not.Industry