Author: Daniel Mynyk

Daniel holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Pensacola Christian College and an M.I.S. from University of Phoenix. He is passionate about defending and promoting historic, orthodox Christianity that has lost its foothold in evangelical churches.

A Get Out of Cult Free Card

Remember when you played the game of Monopoly when you were a kid? Well, this is not to say that adults don’t still play it, but when you were young, you had a lot less patience about things. Particularly, if you land on the “Go to Jail!” spot or you pick up a Chance or Community Chest card that tells you to “Go to jail! Do not pass ‘Go.’ Do not collect $200.” You hate being in jail because you miss turns. You want OUT right NOW! But… if you had a “Get Out of Jail FREE” card, you didn’t have to miss those turns and you could be back on the road to victory. The truth about tithing can

The Problem of “Income”

What if God taught in His Word that Christians owe a tithe of their income to the church?  In fact, this is what many churchgoers believe because many preachers teach this. What’s so bad about that, anyway? Just use your W2 and move the the decimal point to the left one spot, right?

Tithing was only for the Old Covenant

Abreast the typical argument that tithing is an “eternal moral principal,” the only places in Scripture where tithing is actually commanded are under the auspices of the geopolitical nation of Israel, and only under the Old Covenant.  Abram’s tithe to Melchizedek was according to an ancient Arab custom. Jacob’s tithe was a conditional vow to God to test that he was the recipient of God’s covenant promise. In neither case is anyone else commanded to do likewise. Indeed, if we are to take the accounts of Abram and Jacob at face value, we could not do what they did.

Freedom to Give: The Biblical Truth About Tithing

My first book is now available to the world!  I emphasize first, because I plan to sharpen my skills and write as long as I have words to say.  My next book is tentatively titled God’s Free Market: A Biblical Defense of Liberty and Capitalism.  It will be a book that makes liberal use of Scripture to define and defend the conservative notion that free market capitalism is the most efficient and effective way for a people to prosper.