Interest on savings accounts and loans seems like a simple concept. Yet, the powers-that-be can simply fiddle with certain interest rate numbers and bring whole countries to their knees!Understanding interest rates can be vital both to our individual financial health as well as a large economy.Let’s answer some questions:What is interest?What should normally determine the rate of interest?Is it actually immoral to charge interest?Should a banking monopoly or government be in charge of setting interest rates?Sources Cited:Shawn Ritenour, Foundations of Economics: The Christian View (Eugene, Oreg.: Wipf & Stock, 2009) Kindle edition, 192-193.D. T. Armentano, “The Economics of Price Fixing,” Foundation for Economic Education, accessed April 20, 2020,*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of
Inflation: Legalized Counterfeiting against God?
What is inflation? Is it rising prices? Or is it something that actually causes prices to rise?Even Presidents of the USA get this wrong! Hey, almost everyone now gets this wrong!Historically, and even just a few decades ago, inflation was always an increase in the supply of money.In this episode we trace how the definition changed and why.We examine what real inflation is and how it affects the economy.We compare it to counterfeiting to see if there are any significant differences.What does the Bible say about this practice? Does God allow people to do this or condemn them for it? Does inflation violate the commands against dishonest balances and theft?Sources Cited:“What is the Real Definition of Inflation?”“Definition of Inflation” Cited:Hosea
Why the Resurrection?
Yesterday was Easter Sunday–Resurrection Day.Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Let’s think deeply about why.Our salvation is wrapped up in everything about who Jesus is and what He did. The resurrection is our hope. When we reflect on why, we understand that the world is hopeless without it.Scriptures cited:Philippians 3:10-11Matthew 8:16-17John 11:21-271 Corinthians 15:12-21Revelation 21:1-5*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
Who’s Vault Is It, Anyway?: How Banking Went Wrong
We continue our study of money and economics by looking at how banking evolved (and how I contend that it devolved in modern times).We ask and answer these questions to solve the puzzle of money and banking:What is a bank?How did banks begin?What do banks do?How did fractional reserve banking happen?What really is wrong with fractional reserve banking?What are some possible solutions to fractional reserve banking?We see from history that “full reserve” banking came first, and fractional reserve banking arose from banking misbehavior.We see the challenges that keep away full reserve banking today, but we propose how it would work and actually be better for the economy.*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
BONUS: Equal Pay Day 2020
Yes, this is a bonus episode: two episodes for the price of one week here on Truthspresso!Today, March 31, 2020 is officially “Equal Pay Day.” This is the date selected for the year when women allegedly have to work extra to match the wages that their male counterparts earned through December last year. So, the average woman working “full time” earns about 80% of what the average man working “full time” earns.We’ve dealt with this topic months ago on Truthspresso, but let’s celebrate the day by giving this topic a fresh look.Disaggregating the statistics, we note that differences in total hours worked, career choices, and the roles involved in pregnancy and caring for children contribute to this “gender wage gap.”What
God’s Money vs. the Manipulators
We continue our series on understanding money by looking at how the Bible defines money. We see how God’s plan for the nation of Israel was to have a sound money based on weights of gold and silver. God pronounced harsh judgment on those who deceived and robbed people through false balances.We outline four steps from the Bible that reveal God’s money vs. the manipulatorsGod created the moneyGod measured the moneyGod stabilized the moneyGod punishes those who manipulate the money*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
Why Can’t I Spend Monopoly Money?
Why can’t we spend paper money from a Monopoly game? It’s not very different from the paper money we use every day.This episode is basic look at economics by taking a magnifying glass to something we take for granted: money. To do this, we answer these three questions:What is money?What has been used as money?What makes a good money?We explore some rather strange things that have been used as money in the past and even today from two online articles.We begin the groundwork for putting conventional economic wisdom to the test as we test our paper money against the qualities that make a good money.Sources Cited:25 Strangest Things Used As Currency Crazy Things Used As Currency Around the World*****Like what
Embracing Coronanomics
We are all sick of hearing about the COVID-19 coronavirus!Let’s tackle this topic from a different angle. Let’s look at the economics!We look at this current event through these four “currents”:The current civilian reactionsThe current government reactionsThe current misunderstandings of economicsThe current 10 silver liningsBe prepared to be challenged not to trust the mainstream wisdom of the human powers that be.Be prepared to be encouraged to trust the God Who is more powerful than any virus.Sources Cited:Federal Reserve announces first emergency rate cut since the financial crisis*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
How Not To Let Social Media Depress You
Social media allows us to keep in touch with long lost childhood friends from anywhere in the world. We can see their lives unfold day by day without even asking.But this technology has it’s dark side. Many find themselves facing depression as they see all their problems while their friends seem to be living the dream. Ana from Forbes describes this plight.We take apart the misconceptions we infer from the lives of our friends on social media.Let the truth set you free as we use some tips to take control of social media addictions that cause depression and envy.Sources Cited:How ‘Keeping Up With The Joneses’ On Social Media Is Damaging Everyone’s Mental Health*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and
RETRO 2015: Goofy Fake Infomercials
This is another throwback episode to my overly ambitious efforts to create a podcast in 2015.I wanted to have a funny infomercial for a fake product during a “commercial break” in the middle of each episode I recorded. This ultimately led me not to record episodes every often. The Truth Hub Podcast just fizzled out after a handful of episodes.But, for your listening enjoyment, I have resurrected three goofy fake infomercials that I created in 2015.The Robo Pastor 3000The Kitchen Sink Interlinear BibleThe Kitchen Sink WaveSave Smartphone*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****