Author: Daniel Mynyk

Daniel holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Pensacola Christian College and an M.I.S. from University of Phoenix. He is passionate about defending and promoting historic, orthodox Christianity that has lost its foothold in evangelical churches.

The Tale of the Superblians part 1

Welcome to the first made-up, imaginary, fictional type story on Truthspresso!I am planning to wrap up the economics series with the Tale of the Superblians.Part 1 introduces the main characters and our rather unique situation.Part 2 will show how our unusual story shockingly concludes.If you like Sci-Fi, I hope you will bear with me in my first attempt at a Sci-Fi short story that also teaches important economic lessons.Scripture Citations:Psalm 35:26-28*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****

Is Income the Litmus Test for Equality?

Continuing with parsing through the politics of income inequality, we shift from the myths and articles to get down to some simple questions.We consider these few basic thoughts:College shows why incomes differ. Different majors offer different skills that have different levels of supply and demand. People intend to go to college for a return on investment.Jobs are different and command different incomes. Should a low-skilled factory worker make similar income as a brain surgeon?Because people are different, an economy rebooted with income inequality would never naturally stay that way. People save differently, spend differently, invest differently, and seek different vocations. Any snapshot of an economy with income inequality imposed would quickly revert to inequality without persistent draconian regulation. Our differences

Four Claims About Income Inequality Answered

Income inequality has become a hot button issue in this last decade. Concerns range from the idea that it will destroy civilization to simply “It just isn’t fair!”Well, this episode will present four common claims about how income inequality is “unfair” and answer them”The rich are getting richer and the poor are staying poor.The United States is the worst offender for income inequality.The poor and middle class are being cheated out of much of the wealth their labor creates.Economic growth that fuels income inequality leaves the poor behind.Sources Cited:US Census Bureau, “Income and Poverty in the United States: 2019“Phil Gramm and John F. Early, Wall Street Journal, “The Myth of American Inequality“Nat Levy, Geekwire, “Walmart posts $514B in revenue for

An Election Without Representation?

Joe from WalkwithGod joined me on Wednesday to chat about the upcoming election and politics from a Christian perspective.What made this fun is that we didn’t plan out our discussion. Neither of us knew the other’s views until right before hitting the record button!Joe described himself as a “centrist.”I described myself as “libertarian-leaning.”Both of us feel a little like outsiders looking in through the window at a political system that never really represents us.As Christians, we both desire to filter all politics through the Word of God, not through a party platform.We discussed abortion, democracy, gerrymandering, representation, the Supreme Court, and God’s laws in the Decalogue.We hope this discussion will be both challenging and encouraging as we wait for the

Will Income Inequality Destroy the Earth?

We shift from the overpopulation myth because respectable mainstream opinion has changed. Even the political left has criticized the former overpopulation alarmism as potentially “racist” and bigoted toward poorer people.But the new alarmism in the recent decade is that “income inequality” is the new dragon to slay. We tackle two claims of how income inequality crushes civilization:Income inequality destroys the environmentIncome inequality kills poor peopleUnderstanding how the economy is an interwoven tapestry of mutual exchanges shows how the wealthy do not “overconsume,” nor do they do so in a vacuum. And the real underconsumption of wealthy investment actually improves the lives of everyone in the economy.Sources Cited:Heather Alberro, Nottingham Trent University, “Why we should be wary of blaming ‘overpopulation’ for

The Incredible Shrinking Humanity

After seeing that some people sympathize with Thanos against the Marvel Avengers for the fate of the universe, we look at another model of population growth trends that is becoming more mainstream.The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) provides four to six stages of population growth to show how it naturally levels off after spiking. This model correlates statistics about birth rates, death rates, and technology advances throughout several centuries and observes countries of the world at various stages.There is no need for alarm. The population naturally takes care of its own growth. The real problem for a people is rejecting the design of their Creator.Sources Referenced:“The Demographic Transition Model (DTM)“Keith Montgomery, Department of Geography and Geology, UWC, “THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION“Scriptures Referenced:Hebrews

Was Thanos the Good Guy?

We continue discussing the overpopulation myth that still hasn’t died.We start with some 21st-century statements from the infamous Paul Ehrlich, proving that he hasn’t recanted his failed prophecies of overpopulation fearmongering.Next, we review an article from Forbes that tries to convince the world that Thanos, the supervillain from the late Marvel Avengers movies really did nothing wrong. According to this article, Thanos was really the guy good and the Avengers were the bad guys.Sources Referenced:Damian Carrington, “Paul Ehrlich: ‘Collapse of civilisation is a near certainty within decades’“Katharine Mieszkowski, “Do we need population control?“ThanosDidNothingWrong on RedditJV Chamary, “The Science Of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Proves Thanos Did Nothing Wrong“Scriptures Referenced:Proverbs 6:16-19Psalm 2:1-4*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of

Should We Fear Overpopulation?

This episode was inspired by something my wife showed me from a campaign called “One Planet One Child.”From Thomas Malthus in the 1790’s to Paul Ehrlich in the 1960’s and beyond, some economists and scientists have feared the doom of humanity. This doom is mass suffering and starvation of millions of people ever at the door.The cause? Overpopulation.We look at Paul Ehrlich’s predictions in the 1960’s through the 1980’s to see if they came to pass. You could probably look around you to figure it out.But is an overpopulation problem still on the horizon? What does the Bible say?Sources Consulted: God Thinks About “Overpopulation”Scriptures Cited:Genesis 1:28Genesis 9:1Psalm 127:3-5*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****

Critical Race Theory or Christ – A Discussion with Jamal Bandy part 2

This is part 2 of an interview with Jamal Bandy, host of the Prescribed Truth podcast.Jamal explains what “social justice” and “critical theory” are as elements of Marxist philosophy. The word “race” has been added to make “critical race theory” an issue of U.S. history.Jamal gives some heartfelt and keen insights into misunderstood realities of both the present and the past that are often fuel for ethnic politics.Jamal Bandy:Prescribed TruthPrescribed Truth podcastPrescribed Truth YouTube*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****

From Oneness Cult to Truth – A Discussion with Jamal Bandy part 1

This is part 1 of an interview with Jamal Bandy, host of the Prescribed Truth podcast.Jamal tells his story of how he was involved in an Apostolic Oneness church and how unexpected events led him to question what he was taught.Jamal learns the truth about God as Trinity and that the Oneness teaching is wrong. He also learns that works don’t save him and don’t keep him saved, because the Father and the Son secure him.Jamal Bandy:Prescribed TruthPrescribed Truth podcastPrescribed Truth YouTube*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****