Author: Daniel Mynyk

Daniel holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Pensacola Christian College and an M.I.S. from University of Phoenix. He is passionate about defending and promoting historic, orthodox Christianity that has lost its foothold in evangelical churches.

The Uvalde Tragedy

The mass school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas has gripped us all. We mourn with those who lost family and friends. Even those who managed to escape with their lives will be scarred by the evil.Chelsea and I present the timeline of the tragedy. We do our best to evaluate the reported police response with fairness as information is still coming out. Of note, especially, is the mom who ran in and brought her two children out to safety.Finally, we address the politics that unfortunately happen when depraved humans kill others with guns.Also in this series:Biblical Solutions for Mass ShootingsSources Consulted:Jake Bleiberg and Sean Murphy, “TIMELINE: Texas elementary school shooting, minute by minute,”, May 28, 2022.Azmi

“Mostly Peaceful” Protests After the Supreme Court Leak

Chelsea and I talk about the aftermath of the Supreme Court leak of the draft of the ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson case that court overturn Roe v. Wade.Senate Democrats tried to ram through a radical abortion law that lost 49-51.Churches experienced raucous protests on Mother’s Day.The Wisconsin Family Action office was vandalized and received terrifying voice messages.Supreme Court justices endured unlawful protests at their residential homes.Abortion advocates testified before Congress and refused to answer obviously necessary questions about what abortion does.We must stand for the truth boldly in this present evil age.Sources Referenced:Wisconsin Family Voice, “Listen to the voicemails left for us after the attack,” Wisconsin Family Action, May 12, 2022.Billy Hallowell, “‘Burn, Little Jesus Freaks!’ Horrific, Creepy,

What About That Supreme Court Leak?

We look at some salient points from the leaked draft opinion in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case.The draft argues that the decisions of Roe vs. Wade and Planned Parenthood vs. Casey “must be overruled.” Many pro-abortion activists are crying foul that this is judicial activism and an attack on a “fundamental right” to an abortion.When we see the arguments and the rules in both Roe and Casey detailed in the draft, they clearly are themselves judicial activism. There simply is no federal “right” to an abortion recognized by the Constitution as a compact among the states.If this draft passes, it does not ban abortions, despite the protests. It simply argues that the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction

The Power of the Resurrection

Chelsea and I finish our series on the Passion Week with the most important event in history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ!From the burial to the high Sabbath to Sunday morning, we look at the the people involved and how they discovered that Jesus Christ was alive again.Join us as we feel Mary Magdalene’s sorrow and witness how her experience determined the rest of history.Source Cited:Charles Haddon Spurgeon, “The Power of His Resurrection,” The Spurgeon Center, April 21, 1889.

Rethinking Money and Ministry with Conley Owens

Conley Owens is a husband and father of eight children. He is a pastor at Silicon Valley Reformed Baptist Church. He also has a full time job as a software engineer at Google.But Conley is more than just a modern day Batman. He has thought deeply about how modern Christianity has commercialized ministry contrary to the examples and teachings in the Bible.Conley’s book The Dorean Principle is an eye-opening look at how Christians should raise funds without turning the gospel into a product and recipients into consumers.The way we publish books, host conferences, and charge speaker fees deserves some fresh criticism! And that is why The Dorean Principle demands the church’s consideration.Further Research:The Dorean Principle: A Biblical Response to the

The Wonder of the Crucifixion

Chelsea and I break down the timeline of the crucifixion according to the gospel accounts.The agony of this brutal form of execution helps us to see what Jesus was willing to anticipate and endure.Yet, what makes this spectacle even more amazing are the prophecies Jesus and others involved in this event fulfill.Prepare to cherish Christ dearly through this deep and captivating look at the day of atonement!

The Politics of Jesus’ Trials and Crucifixion

Chelsea and I continue our series on the Passion Week and note the worldly politics that led to Jesus’ atonement.We cover Jesus’ betrayal and arrest, His six trials, Peter’s denials, the release of Barabbas, and Jesus’ final sentence.We ponder the question “Who put Jesus on the cross?”

The Lord’s Supper: Transubstantiation? (part 2)

In this episode of Truthspresso Express I analyze more arguments for the Roman Catholic dogma of transubstantiation while driving to work in the morning and from work in the evening.How does Jesus going away and returning to earth conflict with the claims of Transubstantiation? What about the role of the Holy Spirit as “another Comforter” in Jesus’ bodily absence?Can Transubstantiation confuse the human and divine attributes of Christ?How does the Council of Trent claiming that the “whole Christ” is found in the bread or in the wine separately help with a “literal” reading of Jesus’ words?How does Transubstantiation ultimately affect the doctrine of salvation?This episode is inspired by the recent episode of Theology Throw Down in the Christian Podcast Community.

The Politics of the Passion Week

Chelsea and I continue our series of episodes on the Easter season. We talk about the busy week of Jesus from His triumphal entry to His trials.One thing that characterized most of the entanglements He faced: politics, politics, politics!We observe how nothing has changed about human politics, and how politics leads people to shirk truth and deny their own eyes and hearts. Jesus gave us an example of how to fight politics with cold, hard truth all the way to the end.

The Lord’s Supper: Transubstantiation?

In this episode of Truthspresso Express I analyze arguments for the Roman Catholic dogma of transubstantiation while driving to work in the morning and from work in the evening.Does John 6 teach the we must literally eat Christ’s flesh and drink His blood?Is a metaphor a “literal” understanding of “This is My body”?This episode is inspired by the recent episode of Theology Throw Down in the Christian Podcast Community.