Chelsea and I talk about more recent victories over Molech.First, we look at the recent leaked document from the FBI targeting “traditional Catholics” as potential “terrorists.”Then, we see four cases in the UK in which police punish pro-life people for their “silent prayer” activity in a censorship zone:Isabel Vaughn-SpruceAdam Smith-ConnorSean GoghLivia Tossici-BoltAll four are challenging the charges and seeking to be cleared in a court. We believe their cooperative but steadfast battles are victories over Molech. they reveal how absurd the Public Space Protection Orders are to try to shield abortion clinics from people who must be asked “Were you praying silently in your head?”Scriptures Referenced:Matthew 6:5-6; 5:10-162 Chronicles 32:7Sources Consulted:Ewan Palmer, “FBI Under Pressure for Targeting Catholics in Leaked
Victories Over Molech (part 1)
My wife Chelsea is back with me to talk about recent victories over Molech.First, we explain the Biblical background of the pagan practice of sacrificing children to Molech. We see Satanic temples today claiming that abortion bans violate their “religious freedom” as abortions are literally a sacrament for them. The “NOW” statue at the New York supreme court looks like an idol to celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s fight for abortion “rights.”Mark Houck, a pro-life volunteer at a pregnancy center, was recently acquitted of charges that he violated the FACE Act that could have landed him in prison for up to 11 years. Chelsea and I look at the media’s narrative on his story and how they ignore all the important
How Too Many Christians Support Coveting and Stealing
I go solo in this episode to explain how political ideology can abuse the Bible’s call to charity. This episode is based on notes that were originally for part of the Truthspresso Express series “Was Jesus a Socialist?”After walking through the Sixth through the Tenth Commandment of the law, we see how coveting can be the most difficult command. Yet, too many Christians can support a backdoor to validate covetousness and stealing.Putting government-enforced welfare schemes under the microscope of the Bible, we ask ourselves this question: Is it ever a morally virtuous and Christian thing to support threatening or initiating violence on someone who has not committed a crime?We may think that coercive wealth distribution schemes are “doing God’s work,”
Marching for Life or Death (The March for Life vs. the Women’s March)
Chelsea and I actually recorded two separate parts for this episode.The annual March For Life in Washington D.C. happened on Friday, January 20th.The annual Women’s March happened Sunday afternoon, January 22nd. We recorded the first half about the March For Life on Saturday and the second half about the Women’s March on Sunday afternoon.We give our overview and observations, as well as how the messages and demeanors of these two events clash.One march seems to value life. The other march, perhaps unwittingly, values death.Scriptures Cited:Deuteronomy 30:19Psalm 26:7-12Proverbs 1:29-31Proverbs 16:27Sources Consulted:Lauren Gambino, “‘We’re not done’: abortion opponents hold first March for Life since fall of Roe,” The Guardian, January 20, 2023.Molly Olmstead and Christina Cauterucci, “The First Post-Roe March for Life
No, Congresswoman Scholten, the Bible is not pro-Abortion!
Springboarding from our Christmas is pro-Life series, we jump into a recent bill from Congress on the outskirts of the abortion debate.HR-26, also known as the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” passed the House of Representatives with a 220-210 vote.The bill is simple and seemingly minimally common sense, yet House Democrats shrieked against it like banshees.For 100% pro-lifers, this bill is not even against abortion itself, but it’s making the radically pro-abortion opponents reveal their true colors.Newly elected Democrat Congresswoman Hillary Scholten claimed to be a “pro-choice Christian” and opposed the bill. She tried to quote Jeremiah 1:5 to support abortion, claiming that the womb belongs to the mother, not the government. Ironically, the bill itself only addresses babies once
Christmas is Pro-Life (part 3)
Chelsea and I continue a series about the deeply Pro-Life message of the Christmas story.The Jesus of the first Christmas clearly taught the value of human life as much as the Christmas story of His conception and birth was pro-life.Did Jesus address abortion in particular during His earthly ministry? No, but that doesn’t mean He wouldn’t have if the question arose.We observe some pro-life points from Jesus’ ministry:Jesus affirmed the whole Tanakh. Anything pro-life there is what Jesus believed (Mat 5:17-18; Luk 24:44).Jesus taught that God cares for birds but that we are far more valuable than many birds (Mat 6:26; Luk 12:7).We are not to despise little children (Mat 18:10; 6).It is not God’s will to kill little children
Christmas is Pro-Life (part 2)
Chelsea and I continue a series about the deeply Pro-Life message of the Christmas story.The first Christmas celebrates new life and demonstrates how we should protect life.We observe some salient pro-life points from the Christmas story:Jesus experienced the full human experience from conceptionElizabeth affirmed the personhood of Jesus when He was a tiny fetus.John the Baptist leapt in the womb to show his personhood while in the womb.The virgin conception was the greatest unplanned and unexpected pregnancy in history.Mary and Joseph cared for their child in the womb even in a hostile culture.Joseph recognized that the role of fatherhood included caring for a child that wasn’t biologically his own.Mary as a young mother and Elizabeth as an old mother would
RETRO 2003: Guilty As Charged
Because my family has been battling some nasty seasonal virus, Chelsea and I have been busy taking care of very sick children. We weren’t able to study and record “Christmas is Pro-Life (part 2)” as expected this week.As you keep our family in your prayers, I found a nearly 20-year-old gospel devotional recording I did right after graduating college.“Guilty As Charged” uses a script of a hypothetical court case to explain the idea that good works can never outweigh bad works to earn salvation.*** Castle Rock Women’s Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value
Christmas is Pro-Life (part 1)
Chelsea and I begin a series about the deeply Pro-Life message of the Christmas story.Secular holidays focus on self and escapism. Christmas focuses on sacrifice and salvation.We begin analyzing the pro-Life message of Christmas by tracing the promise of Messiah and Satan’s attack on children in Biblical history:The Garden of EdenThe Pharoah of EgyptHamanKing HerodScriptures Cited:Genesis 3:15Exodus 1:17Esther 3:13Matthew 2:13-18External References:Rachel’s Vineyard: Healing the pain of abortion – one weekend at a time*** Castle Rock Women’s Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***We value your feedback!Have questions for Truthspresso? Contact us!
REWIND: The Christmas Promise of Isaiah 9:6
Originally aired December 21, 2020.In this episode we are going to unwrap the depths of Isaiah 9:6 as a present from God for the first Christmas.Isaiah 9:6: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”We look at each phrase and cross reference to see that it is a prophecy of the Messiah.We also compare it with Isaiah 7:14 to verify that the Messiah would be truly born of a virgin.We put other possible fulfillments to the test such as King Hezekiah, Isaiah’s son, or someone unknown from history.We challenge