The battle over mifepristone (part of the abortion pill regimen) is heating up!A federal district judge in Texas ruled in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA that the FDA illegally approved mifepristone in the year 2000.At the same time a judge ruled in Washington State v. FDA that, for the 17 states in the suit and D.C., mifepristone must be available as it is.The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the Texas ruling but ordered that the original, stricter requirements resume.The DOJ, the FDA, and pro-abortionists don’t like either ruling and demand mifepristone be as available as possible for medication abortions. They now appeal to the Supreme Court.Justice Alito ordered a stay on all rulings in this dispute and gave
The Hope and the Resurrection of the Dead
Chelsea and I talk about the hope of the resurrection because of Christ’s resurrection.As the Apostle Paul faced trials before governments, he declared that his hope of the resurrection is why he is being accused of wrongdoing.Christians today face ridicule and opposition because of this hope that we have.The resurrection is a hope most glorious, but the world hates it because it challenges their focus on this life alone.Let’s celebrate and reflect on Resurrection Day together!
The Colorado House FLAUNTS Hypocrisy to Pass Radical Abortion Bills
Chelsea and I conclude our coverage of Colorado’s three radical pro-abortion bills:SB23-188,SB23-189, andSB23-190.Last week the Colorado House of Representatives debated and rammed through three radical dystopian pro-abortion bills along party lines with no amendments.In short, the supporters want abortion on-demand at any time in pregnancy for any reason, and abortion providers are a new protected class of citizens virtually above the law. They want “gender-affirming care” and sterilization (yes, that word is in a bill) for anyone of any age without parental consent. They want health insurance providers to pay of all of this without any penalties or additional costs.They also want us to believe all the non-profit pregnancy centers are the great evil and that giving progesterone to save
The Colorado Senate’s Abortion Dystopia!
Chelsea and I continue our coverage of Colorado’s three radical pro-abortion bills: SB23-188, SB23-189, and SB23-190.In this episode we walk through some details for the three bills and how they could destroy genuine health care in Colorado. Abortion providers become a new protected class immune from criminal charges, even if women die in their “care.” Insurance programs must specially subsidize abortions and treatment for promiscuity. Yet, pregnancy centers become the great deceptive villains, and abortion pill reversals (progesterone) must be outlawed.We play some salient clips from the Senate floor while they debated amendments to the bills. It was like pulling teeth for the opposition even to get the accusation that pregnancy centers are “fake clinics” removed from the legislative declaration
Colorado Wants to GAG Pregnancy Centers and BAN Abortion Pill Reversal!
We found out last Monday evening that the Colorado legislature is ramming through a package of three radical pro-abortion bills: SB23-188, SB23-189, and SB23-190.The most dangerous and impacting to pregnancy resource centers is SB23-190: Deceptive Trade Practice Pregnancy-related Service. The language of this bill could penalize pregnancy centers for trying to advertise their services to help pregnant women in crisis. Even more devastating is a clear ban on any means of offering anything intending to reverse an abortion pill.Chelsea and I spent this last week engaged in this battle. Tuesday evening we working on Chelsea’s testimony for the judiciary committee on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday we worked on information to send out to legislators about this bill.In this episode we
Satan’s Devices: A Look at the Satanic Temple
Chelsea and I talk about current news of The Satanic Temple expanding programs in elementary schools, including in a small town in Colorado.Lucien Greaves co-founded The Satanic Temple as a religious institution to claim religious rights recognized under the Constitution. The institution has seven secular humanistic tenants that sound reasonable until they are applied to political causes like abortion.We observe four of Satan’s devices from the Bible for how Satan operates as the god of this world and through organizations like The Satanic Temple:Discrete operationsMan-centerednessDeception of goodnessMyth of neutralityScriptures Referenced:2 Corinthians 2:11; 11:14-15Matthew 13:39; 16:23,26John 6:70; 12:4-8Psalm 14:1Matthew 12:30Ephesians 6:11-12Sources Consulted:Elizabeth Hernandez, “After School Satan Club launching first Colorado chapter, but organizer promises “we are not devil worshippers,”” The Denver
Revival: The First Great Awakening (part 3)
Chelsea and I continue our series about the Christian revivals in American history.George Whitefield was an Anglican deacon in Oxford, England. He met John and Charles Wesley in college and joined their Methodist movement. With his Bachelor of Arts degree, booming voice, and supreme acting ability, Whitefield would become a young traveling preacher who could command crowds of up to 20,000 people in one occasion.Whitefield would become America’s first celebrity as he traveled to the colonies seven times and toured up from Georgia to Massachusetts preaching the gospel freely to all sorts of people. He is credited for starting two orphanages mostly for African-American children. In the face of violent opposition and mockery, Whitefield would see thousands of converts, including
Revival: The First Great Awakening (part 2)
Chelsea and I continue our series about the Christian revivals in American history.Solomon Stoddard, a fiery preacher saw several revivals in his 60 years pastoring the church at Northampton, Massachusetts, but he embraced and expanded the Half-Way Covenant. Stoddard allowed open membership and open communion. The Northampton church grew to over 600 members, but over time the majority were likely unbelievers.Stoddard’s grandson Jonathan Edwards would become the new pastor of the church. He would follow in the footsteps of revivalist preaching, with his famous sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Edwards would also see that the Half-Way Covenant and Stoddard’s church polity was enshrining the “dead religion” they were intended to solve.Scriptures Referenced:Revelation 3:161 Corinthians 11:30Sources Consulted:“Spiritual
Revival: The First Great Awakening (part 1)
Chelsea and I start a new series about the Christian revivals in American history.The controversy over the recent “Asbury revival” drove us to ask the question “What is a revival?”Using a dictionary, Scripture, and a Spurgeon quote, we come up with a working definition of a revival. Then, we dive deep into the setting of the American colonies in the 1600’s and early 1700’s.As church life was decaying since the first generation of pilgrims covenanted the first Congregational churches in the Massachusetts Bay colony, pastors begin to look for revival.Congregationalist churches practiced infant baptism but only granted church membership to attendees who could evidence regeneration. As the first generation’s children became adults but didn’t become fully covenanted members, could their
Victories Over Molech (part 2)
Chelsea and I talk about more recent victories over Molech.First, we look at the recent leaked document from the FBI targeting “traditional Catholics” as potential “terrorists.”Then, we see four cases in the UK in which police punish pro-life people for their “silent prayer” activity in a censorship zone:Isabel Vaughn-SpruceAdam Smith-ConnorSean GoghLivia Tossici-BoltAll four are challenging the charges and seeking to be cleared in a court. We believe their cooperative but steadfast battles are victories over Molech. they reveal how absurd the Public Space Protection Orders are to try to shield abortion clinics from people who must be asked “Were you praying silently in your head?”Scriptures Referenced:Matthew 6:5-6; 5:10-162 Chronicles 32:7Sources Consulted:Ewan Palmer, “FBI Under Pressure for Targeting Catholics in Leaked