The Book of Mormon: Part 4 (2 Nephi chapters 4-9)

This episode is part 4 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon.

2 Nephi chapters 4-9 cover the last of the elder Lehi’s words of blessings and warnings to his children. Soon afterwards he passes away.

Nephi fears his brothers again and God directs him and his family and friends to an area of the wilderness where they begin to build a civilization for “the people of Nephi.” Laman and his descendants rebel against God. God curses the Lamanites with darker skin to keep the two peoples from intermarrying.

Nephi makes his two younger brothers Jacob and Joseph priests to their people. Jacob delivers a message to the people by reading a portion of Isaiah and giving some doctrinal dissertation on Satan, the fall of humanity, the necessity of the Messiah’s atonement, and the resurrection.

We look especially at the plethora of New Testament statements that find their way into Jacob’s message about 500 years before Jesus and the apostles say or write these words.

Further research:

Book of Mormon in video

Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration

The Book of Mormon online: 2 Nephi [chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

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