Was Jesus born in a barn stable outdoors? Did Joseph knock on doors and get snubbed by innkeepers? Who were the wise men? Were there three of them? Let’s examine some of these traditional ideas about the Nativity. While we do this, let’s not lose sight about what’s important about the purpose of Christ’s birth. Scriptures Referenced: Luke 2:1-7,16 Luke 22:11 Luke 13:15 Acts 13:6-8 Isaiah 60:6 Matthew 2:1-6 Micah 5:2 Numbers 24:17 *** Please contribute to the Hurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster *** We value your feedback! Have questions for Truthspresso?Contact us!
The Book of Mormon: Part 2 (1 Nephi chapters 16-22)
This episode is part 2 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon. 1 Nephi chapters 16-22 cover the journey of the prophet Lehi and his family to the coast of southeastern Arabia. Nephi builds a ship. The family sails to their new “promised land,” which is somewhere in the ancient Americas. Once there, the family found resources to build civilization there. Nephi wrote some prophecy on metal plates and explained to his older brothers what it means and encourages them to obey God’s commandments. I briefly address issues over the Laman river, horses in Mesoamerica, and the curious convenience of hindsight in detailed prophecies allegedly written in the 500’s B.C. Further research: Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon: Part 1 (1 Nephi chapters 1-15)
This episode is part 1 in a series going through the story of the Book of Mormon. 1 Nephi chapters 1-15 cover the prophet Lehi and his family leaving Jerusalem before the Babylonian captivity, his sons retrieve brass plates from Laban, Lehi has a dream of a tree with white fruit, and his son Nephi gets a vision of end times interpretations of Lehi’s dream. Further research: Book of Mormon in video Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration *** Please contribute to theHurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster*** We value your feedback! Have questions for Truthspresso?Contact us!
Four Reasons for Thankfulness
Chelsea returns to Truthspresso to co-host about thankfulness. After celebrating Thanksgiving Day, we present four reasons to be thankful to God: Because of who He is (1Ch 16:34; 2Co 9:15) Because of what He has done (Isa 12:4-5) Because of what He is doing (Psa 107:8-9; Php 4:6) Because He is faithful in the hard times (1Th 5:18; Eph 5:20; Col 3:17) *** Please contribute to theHurricane relief fund for A.M. Brewster*** We value your feedback! Have questions for Truthspresso?Contact us! Mentioned in this episode: Affiliate Link: Blackout Coffee Blackout Coffee is a coffee company that supports traditional American values of strong families, personal responsibility, and patriotism. Blackout Coffee delivers to active duty military and first responders. Be Awake, Not