Month: September 2024

Was Jesus a Socialist? (part 11)

In this episode of Truthspresso I chat about Jesus and socialism. A coworker a while ago made the claim to me that Jesus was a socialist. I have certainly heard this claim before, but I figured I would address it. In part 11 we look at three parables to see if they lean more socialist or free market capitalist: The hidden treasure in the field The pearl of great price The vineyard tenants Because the parable of the vineyard tenants is Jesus’ ultimate parable about the history of Israel, one would think the illustration would be important. The vineyard owner took risks, set up capital equipment, and established a business. The vineyard laborers seemed to prefer a violent revolution and

Was Jesus a Socialist? (part 10)

In this episode of Truthspresso I chat about Jesus and socialism. A coworker a while ago made the claim to me that Jesus was a socialist. I have certainly heard this claim before, but I figured I would address it. In part 10 we look at the parable of the unjust steward. A “Christian socialist” claims that this parable proves that Jesus favors defrauding wealthy people to give to the poor. While this parable and Jesus’ application can be hard to understand at first, closer study reveals that Jesus wants us to be good stewards of money unlike His worldly examples–including both the merchant and his unjust steward. Sources Cited: Chuck McKnight, “Jesus Was a Socialist,” Patheos, Updated March 11,