Month: February 2024

Infanticide in D.C.?!

Disclaimer: we talk about some gruesome details of abortion procedures and results. In March of 2022 the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising group obtained five bodies of babies possibly birth-sized babies in a box of 115 aborted bodies destined for processing as “medical waste.” For two years D.C. has claimed to investigate if the “D.C. five” were killed illegally (as opposed to killed legally). As the Biden administration has attempted to dispose these bodies, pro-life groups and members of Congress are fighting to keep the baby bodies available and force a real investigation. Is Washington, D.C. trying to cover up full-blown infanticide? Well, we believe all abortion results in “infanticide,” but how far does this culture of death go in the sacred

Does “He Gets Us” Get Him?

Once again a multimillion-dollar campaign called “He Gets Us” aired an ad during the Super Bowl. The ad presented a slide show of people often at political odds washing one another’s feet. Well, usually it was the “conservative” washing the feet of the “liberal.” It ended with “Jesus didn’t preach hate. He washed feet.” What does the Bible saying about foot washing? What does the “He Gets Us” campaign get right in the ad and its website, and what may it get wrong? Could a campaign focused on disarming social issues lure people into becoming disciples of Jesus? Sources Cited: He Gets Us “Loving your neighbor is nearly impossible. How can we do it?“ “About Us“ “How did Jesus step

REWIND: How God Wrote Our Love Story

Better than a Hallmark movie! Well, in our opinion, anyway. Join us for a walk down memory lane as we share our love story. Chuckle together with us through our journey of how we met, became friends, dated, got engaged, and ultimately married. The cuteness factor just may be off the charts! As we celebrated 12 years of marriage, we hope our story will encourage singles to seek God’s will for their future and couples to be dearest friends. This episode was the kick start to a series of episodes about marriage and family. Scriptures Cited: Proverbs 18:22 Other episodes in this series: How God Wrote Our Love Story Thinking Biblically About Marriage Tips for Singles Looking for a Spouse

The Alistair Begg Controversy: A Humble Critique

When a distressed woman wrote to Scottish Pastor Alistair Begg about how to handle her son’s “transgender wedding,” he counseled her to attend it and bring a wedding gift–as long as her son knows that she doesn’t affirm this unbiblical relationship. Over four months after Dr. Begg mentioned this in an interview the Christian sphere on the Internet exploded, calling him to repent. Begg doubled down that his advice was only specific to a difficult situation. The controversy has recently cost him radio networks and planned speaking engagements in conferences. While I strongly disagree with Begg’s advice and pray that he will reconsider, I also advise fellow Christians not to resort to “cancel culture.” As the Apostle Paul says, “Speak