How We Can Slander Our Spouse Through Negative Silence

We can find ourselves slandering our spouse in different ways: even “silent” ways!

Chelsea and I continue our discussion of slander in marriage to finish our answer to the question:

What are ways we tear down our spouse?

  1. Absence
  2. Negative Silence
  3. Assuming motives.

We fleshed out “Negative Silence” with how it shows up as…

  1. Avoidance/”peace at all costs”
  2. Bitterness
  3. Busyness/distractions
  4. Passive aggression
  5. Power/control
  6. Safety

Scriptures Referenced:

Colossians 3:19

James 3:11

Proverbs 25:28; 16:32

Sources Cited:

Todd Foley, “Silent storm: When your spouse won’t talk,” Focus on the Family Canada, Accessed September 11, 2022.

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