Month: September 2022

Three Ways We Tear Down Others

Chelsea and I shift gears to how we can find ourselves talking bad about others outside our home: extended family, neighbors, friends, coworkers, or church members.Why do we speak negatively to or about others?Envy, grudges, and competition can all make us slander people who are not the closest in our lives.What are ways we tear down others?Say negative things about or to themGossipBear false witnessScriptures Referenced:Proverbs 18:21Ecclesiastes 4:4Acts 13:45Mark 15:9-10Acts 7:9; 13:50Proverbs 11:121 Timothy 5:13Proverbs 16:28; 6:19; 14:5; 26:18-19*** Castle Rock Women’s Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***

Seven Ways to Build Up Your Spouse

Chelsea and I finish our discussion of slander in marriage by giving positive alternatives to hurtful words.What are ways we can build up our spouse to avoid temptations to slander?Show kindnessAllow for positive silenceDisplay graceUse encouraging wordsExpress a thankful attitudeForgiveIntentionally make time togetherScriptures Referenced:Isaiah 40:31Ephesians 4:32Psalm 46:10Psalm 4:4Philippians 4:6Matthew 6:6Ecclesiastes 9:9aProverbs 17:221 Peter 3:7-10Ephesians 4:21 Thessalonians 5:11Proverbs 22:10Philemon v.71 Thessalonians 5:15-18Philippians 1:31 Thessalonians 1:2Colossians 3:12-15Proverbs 5:18*** Castle Rock Women’s Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***

How We Can Slander Our Spouse Through Negative Silence

We can find ourselves slandering our spouse in different ways: even “silent” ways!Chelsea and I continue our discussion of slander in marriage to finish our answer to the question:What are ways we tear down our spouse?AbsenceNegative SilenceAssuming motives.We fleshed out “Negative Silence” with how it shows up as…Avoidance/”peace at all costs”BitternessBusyness/distractionsPassive aggressionPower/controlSafetyScriptures Referenced:Colossians 3:19James 3:11Proverbs 25:28; 16:32Sources Cited:Todd Foley, “Silent storm: When your spouse won’t talk,” Focus on the Family Canada, Accessed September 11, 2022.*** Castle Rock Women’s Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or one-time donation. ***

Why and How Slander Happens in Marriage

Slander finds its way into marriages way too easily and often.But slander doesn’t belong in words toward our spouse!Chelsea and I first give an acrostic for S-L-A-N-D-E-R, then how we should E-D-I-F-Y.Then, we answer some questions:Why do we react, respond, or talk negatively about or to our spouse?AngerBitternessChildhood experiencesExpectationsLife eventsLow self-esteemNeed for attentionWhat are ways we tear down our spouse?Critical or belittling commentsPutting downManipulationSarcasmQuick, snappy statementsInsensitivityScriptures Referenced:Matthew 12:34-37Proverbs 4:23-24Proverbs 18:6Sources Cited:Todd Foley, “Words that bruise: Are you emotionally abusive?” Focus on the Family Canada, Accessed September 4, 2022.*** Castle Rock Women’s Health is a pro-life and pro-women health care ministry. They need your help to move into a new office to serve the community better. Please consider a monthly or