Month: June 2022

The End of Roe is Just the Beginning

We take a break from what we said we were going to address this week to talk about the Supreme Court ruling for Dobbs v. Jackson on Friday, June 24, 2022. On this historic day Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey were explicitly overturned.We talk about the Constitutional arguments laid out in the decision and the problems with the dissenting opinion.The decision simply relegated the authority to legislate abortion back to the states and the people. This is not the time to claim victory and move on. The battle for the hearts and minds of people over abortion now kicks into high gear from the ground up.Sources Consulted:Dobbs v. Jackson decision PDFDobbs v. Jackson dissent PDFScriptures Cited:Psalm 20:7Deuteronomy

Pride Month’s Mockery of Women

Chelsea and I continue our coverage of events and thoughts about Pride Month.Some protesters disrupted a “Drag Queen Story Hour” at a library in San Lorenzo, California. Most media articles side with the drag queen and demonize the protesters. They mostly asked parents why they brought their kids specifically to this event. The parents didn’t give a cogent answer.Apparently, these protesters are possibly guilty of a “hate crime.” Are “drag queens” now a protected minority class of people?We shift from drag queens and transgender people to ask the question “What is a woman?” If being a “woman” is not a part of biology, what exactly is a “woman”?The more Western culture insists on rebelling against God’s created order, the more

Pride Month’s War on Children

Note: This episode contains subject matter that may not be suitable for young children. We made our best effort to keep the information non-descriptive.“Pride Month” has become a sacred cow of secular religion. Children are increasingly targeted for grooming.The recent “Drag the Kids to Pride” event in Dallas, Texas demonstrated this as parents forced their young children to watch “drag queens” dance for money.The kids didn’t want to be there for their parents’ secular ritual.Commentators Alex Stein and John Doyle went there to report, chat, and preach. They revealed things the mainstream media ignored.As Christians we must be bold about the truth that the Bible clearly condemns “pride” and the goals of “Pride Month.” We must be vigilant to protect

Biblical Solutions for Mass Shootings

Chelsea and I continue and conclude our discussion of the tragic mass school shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.As politicians clamor for more gun control, we look at Salvador Ramos’ family situation.Were warning signs ignored that led to this attack?Could Ramos’ poor family situation have been at the root of his problems?We believe the evidence shows that Biblical parenthood is the true solution for preventing mass shootings.Also in this series:The Uvalde TragedySources Consulted:Emma Parry, “TWISTED GAME: Disturbing tactic used by Salvador Ramos to lure girls online after his chilling threat to Yubo player emerges,” The Sun, May 26, 2022.Rachel Otts, “Warning Signs May Have Been Present in Uvalde Shooter,” The Dallas Express, May 26, 2022.Jack Morphet, MaryAnn