Month: September 2019

Abortion Fiction: Part 2 – The Pro-Life Bible and Early Church

In this episode we continue our response to John Irving’s article for the New York Times that attempts to bash pro-life advocates over the head with a history lesson. Irving claims that colonial America was actually friendly to abortion practices.Before we examine the colonial period we look at Scriptures against abortion. Then, we observe a consensus among Christians of the first five centuries that abortion at any stage of pregnancy is wrong–even if the science of the day could not tell when life begins in the womb!Articles Cited:“The Long, Cruel History of the Anti-Abortion Crusade” of Barnabas to Diognetus of Athens“The Christians Condemn And Detest All Cruelty” from A Plea for the Christians“Apology” (chapter 9)“On the Soul” (chapter 27)“On the

Abortion Fiction: Part 1 – Men in Power

In this episode we begin to respond to an opinion piece written by John Irving for the New York Times. We put Mr. Irving’s reasoning to the test of logic and fact and show how his references to “men in power” and “modern diagnostic ultrasound” contradict the very premises on which he bases his idea that colonial America was more friendly to abortion practices.We also note that Mr. Irving accuses pro-life advocates of evil intent. Yet, he never addresses the actual position that pro-life advocates claim for themselves. He never even attempts to deal with the real arguments against abortion. This is a huge elephant in the living room for Mr. Irving’s article.Articles Cited:“The Long, Cruel History of the Anti-Abortion

Dark Humor in the Bible

Prepare to be simultaneously shocked and entertained as we look at some examples of dark humor in the Bible. How many sermons have we heard tackling these rather unsettling portions of Scripture with a little embarrassment or cringing? Since the Word of God is pure and holy, we have to understand that God has a side to Him that can require some thick skin on our part.Put on your seat belts and try to be amused with these six stories (with dark humor titles):Quail Fail (Num 11:10-20)Left-handed and under-handed (Jud 3:14-25)What’s the point? (Jdg 4:1-24)The supply and demand of madmen (1Sa 21:10-15)The false god who needs a potty break (1Ki 18:20-39)The king is dead, long die the king! (2Ch 21:1-20)*****Like

Revenge of the Extroverts

To relieve possible tension from you extroverts who may have been ruffled by the previous episode, we allow extroverts to voice their own advantages over introverts. We hope extroverts will appreciate this modest attempt to bow down to some ways in which you are superior to introverts.Remember: this episode and the last one are for entertainment purposes only!Five advantages of extroverts includeExtroverts are more likely happierExtroverts are often more outwardly health consciousExtroverts create wider social networks in businessExtroverts synergize a lot moreExtroverts statistically earn more moneyArticles cited in this episode:“The Secrets of Happiness”“Do Extroverts Have an Advantage in Entrepreneurship?”“The Advantages of Extrovert Employees Over Introvert”“4 Advantages Extroverts Consistently Have Over Introverts at Work, According to a New Study”*****Like what you

Six Superpowers of Introverts

Introverts rise! I, Daniel Mynyk, the host of Truthspresso hereby admit that I am an introvert. I embrace the term as an accurate description of part of my personality.In this episode, we push against conventional wisdom. We contend that being an introvert can actually give us some advantages over extroverts in society. We may even be the ones who make the world go round. We even see how the Bible can champion the virtues of being an introvert.The six “superpowers” of introverts covered in this episode:Introverts are good listeners and observantIntroverts are more independentIntroverts are often more humbleIntroverts are usually more creativeIntroverts are often more frugalIntroverts can learn to be adaptableNote: Understand that this episode is for entertainment purposes only!