In this episode of Truthspresso I have my first guest: Brennan Falks. Brennan is a financial planner in Dave Ramsey’s recommended list.Topics that we discussed include the following:Does the Bible teach that Christians should not worry about finances because of faith?What are the most common financial struggles that people face that can easily be solved?What are some safe investment moves and what are some pitfalls to avoid?How can parents train their children to think about finances?How can college students avoid unnecessary financial difficulties?How do we avoid difficulties during economic booms and busts?Brennan Falks’ website is Under 1 Love.**(Note: I do not endorse the content on the website that is related to “Hebrew Roots” theology)*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso
The Law School Trap
The college advice continues! In the last episode I gave some positive tips for liberal arts graduates on how to make the most of their lives and even to launch successful careers.In this episode, I tell liberal arts graduates (or even STEM graduates) to beware of the “law school trap.” This is a trap that lures many struggling college graduates into promises of a successful career, but many find themselves going from the frying pan into the fire.A real life story and a fictional story hit home the wisdom to avoid the law school trap.Articles consulted:The Balance: Average Law School Debt the Law: Understanding the Law School Graduate Underemployment Problem Consensus: Best Degrees for Law School York Times: An Expensive
Tips for Liberal Arts Graduates
Episodes 2 and 3 discussed majors that are ranked as good or bad for job prospects.If you are thinking, “What if I have one of those liberal arts majors that are ranked near the bottom?” this episode is for you.I provide three tips to help struggling liberal arts graduates trying to make ends meet and advance their career:Be the best you can be at your current jobGood work can lead to better benefits and even promotions. Complaining doesn’t help anything.Learn some technical skillsSome basic business-related computer skills can help a career that your major may not be able to do on its own.Become an entrepreneurThis doesn’t mean you have to start a business. There are some good tools for freelancing
Four Habits That Nickel and Dime Your Savings
Given that we are all creatures of habit and may struggle with various vices, I provide four daily or weekly habits that may be leaking holes in your wallet with your keen eye to realize it.We may even be aware that these habits may cost us, but we may not be tracking just how much they really do!Calculating out these habits to yearly expenses really puts pennies into perspective.The four habits are:Daily drive-through coffee (or walk-in at a coffee shop)Eating out for lunch at workAlcoholic beveragesSmokingArticles cited:“The Smart Reason We Waste Our Dollars On Coffee”“The Cost of Your Drinking”“How Much Money Does Smoking Cost You?”*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
Ten Best College Majors for Jobs
Now that we have covered ten college majors that don’t have good job prospects, I will present ten majors that have very good job prospects and usually pay well.This list of college majors comes from the following Time article:,28804,2073703_2073653,00.htmlIn the “Mathematics and Computer Sciences” portion, I present statistics from the following article: episode demonstrates a trend in understanding how college majors relate to jobs.*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
Ten Worst College Majors for Jobs
Continuing with the theme of going to college, I present some things to think about when choosing a college major. Understanding the job market and the basic concepts of supply and demand are very important before borrowing lots of money for that piece of paper called a “degree.”I briefly review a list of ten bottom majors for getting a job from the article below from the Career School Now website: discussing a major in Archeology, I mention statistics from this article:*****Like what you hear? Donate to Truthspresso and give a shot of support!*****
Five Tips Before Going to College
As someone who has been to college himself–undergraduate and master’s degree–I provide tips to heed before going to college. These tips are especially helpful for high school students, but parents especially should consider these and be informed about the role of college for late millennials and generation Z kids. Here are my five tips that I will explain in this first episode of Truthspresso: Avoid the propaganda Are such inspirational statements as “Follow your dreams and the money will follow” good advice? Look before you leap Consider the cost of college and weigh it against your expected returns. Make sure you have enough time to take a deep breath and think about what you are doing before diving into the