Month: September 2013

The Unbreakable Threefold Cord: A Defense of the Trinity (Part 7)

In the last part, we saw how Jesus Christ as the Son of God created all things with the Father, and they both took different roles in creation. We saw that Yahweh said that He is the sole creator, forcing us to accept that the Father and the Son must be the same being of God. We saw that the writer to the Hebrews quoted words directed to Yahweh as the Creator in the Psalms and said that the Father spoke them to the Son. We also saw that “this day” that the Son was “begotten” was fulfilled when Christ was resurrected to assume His inheritance as being the One to reign over the nations from His throne in heaven.

The Unbreakable Threefold Cord: A Defense of the Trinity (Part 5)

In this post, we will examine Mr. Burch’s assertion that Jesus can be “the image of the invisible God” while being a finite, created being of Yahweh. Mr. Burch uses a lot of flowery language to get the reader to appreciate his henotheistic view of a God and His created Son. We will see, rather, how beautiful it is to know that God of very God did, in fact, invade His own Creation and satisfy His own demands for justice by which He pours out His mercy. We will see that the Image of the Invisible God cannot be a creature of the One True God.